introduction about this book how to use this book foolish assumptions how this book is organised part 1: getting ready for your super choice part ii: your super choice toolkit part ii1: is the super grass greener on the other side? part iv: appreciating the bigger picture part v: the part of tens part vi: appendixes icons used in this book where to go from here part 1: getting ready for your super choice chapter 1: what's all this fuss about choice? introducing the 'how-to' of choice working out whether you have choice checking out the fund you're already in shopping around in the super fund market making your super choice decision . filling in the right forms , your employer may be changing funds too fund choice versus investment choice moving eight steps closer to super success chapter 2: joining the super choice club can 1 choose my fund or not? answering yes to the majority missing out on fund choice receiving the super choice news completing the standard choice form taking action on your fund choice providing new fund details to your employer what happens to your other super contributions? changing your mind on choice chapter 3: super jobs for your boss checking your employer's to-do list offering fund choice to employees delivering your standard choice form offering a default fund providing minimum insurance cover paying super into your chosen fund collecting the right info keeping track of every bit of super paying compulsory super for you -- superannuation guarantee are you entitled to sg? giving nine every time -- sg contributions scoring sg four times a year checking up on your sg entitlements chapter 4: spotting a super fund in the wild, discovering six fund types on your super safari recognising your super type from a distance being close to home -- your employer's fund chasing safety in numbers -- industry fund(not-for-profit) shuffling the pack -- retail fund (for profit) becoming a public sector fund member doing-it-yourself -- diy fund taking refuge -- retirement savings account (rsa) appreciating a super fund's dna, putting a super fund under the microscope introducing super's little helpers fund managers and more comparing accumulation with defined benefit carrying the risk and earning the reward protecting a rare species -- defined benefit rum part ii: your super choice toolkit chapter 5: checking out the super competition identifying your super choices handing over your super to the experts delving into diy super trusting a fund's pds introducing the super choice toolkit …… partiii:i1 the super grass greener on the other side? partiv:appreciating the bigger picture partv:the part of tens partvi:appendires index |