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最 低 价:¥36.00

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作 者:J.C.M.Li

出 版 社:世界图书出版公司


I S B N:9787506265768




  This is an advanced text book on the microstructure and properties of materials, the first volume of a possible 3-volume set. While there are many elementary text books in materials science, there are very few advanced text books. In our graduate school courses, we rely on our own notes or some conference volumes and journal articles. One of the reasons is that there are so many different kinds of materials and each has its own microstructure property charateristics. So it is difficult for a single person to be expert in all the materials. Thus the idea of a multi-author collection appears good. I am inviting the best authoritative expert that I can find in each material area and since they are all busy people, it has taken longer than expected to finish the task.Hence this is the first volume which should be a good supplement to your microstructure course. If you are working with a certain material area in one of the chapters, you will find a rich source of design ideas and applications as well as a good understanding of how does the microstructure affect the properties.



Chapter 1 Microstructure and Properties of Aluminium Alloys
C. P. Blakenship, Jr, E. A. Starke and E. Hornbogen
Chapter 2 Nickel-Base Superalloys
N. S. Stoloff
Chapter 3 Metal Matrix Composites
R. J. Arsenault
Chapter 4 Polymer Matrix Composites
Jang-Kyo Kim and Yiu-Wing Mai
Chapter 5 Ceramic Matrix Composites
P. G. Karandikar, T. W. Chou and A. Parvizi-Majidi
Chapter 6 Microstructure of Inorganic Glasses
R. tt. Doremus
Chapter 7 Microstructure and Properties of Superconducting Materials
C. S. Pande
Chapter 8 Magnetic Materials
C. D. Graham, Jr
Subject Index
Author Index




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