1 MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The Role of Materiasl in Technologically Advanced Societies 1.3 The Engineering Profession and Materials] 1.4 Major Classes of Materials 1.5 Materials Propertiesa and Materials Engineering 1.6 The Integrated Approach to Materials Engineering 1.7 Engineering Professionalism and Ethics Summary PART 1FUNDAMENTALS 2 ATOMIC SCALE STRUCTURES 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Atomic Structure 2.3 Thermodynamics and Kinetics 2.4 Primary Bonds 2.5 The Bond-Energy Curve 2.6 Atomic Packing and Coordination Numbers 2.7 Secondqry Bonds 2.8 Mixed Bonding 2.9 The Structure of Polymer Molecules Summary Key Terms Homework Problems 3 CRYSTAL STRUCTURES 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Bravais Lattices and Unit Cells 3.3 Crystals with One Atom per Lattice Site and Hexagonal Crystals 3.4 Miller Indices 3.5 Densities and Packing Factors of Crystalline Structures 3.6 Interstitial Positions and Sixes 3.7 Crystals with Multiple Atoms per Lattice Site 3.8 Liquid Crystals 3.9 Single Crystals and Polcrystalline Materials 3.10 Allotropy and Polycrystalline 3.11 Anisotropy 3.12 X-ray Diffraction Summary Key Terms Homework Problems 4 Point Defects and Defcts …… 5 Linear,Planar,and Volume Defects 6 Noncrystalline and Semicrystaline Materials PART MICROSTRUCTURRAL DEVELOPMENT 7 Phase Equilibria and Phase Diagrams 8 Kinetics and Microstructure of Strucural Transformations PART PROPERTIES 9 Mechanical Properties 10 Electrical Properties 11 Optrcal and Dielectric Properties 12 Magnetic Properties 13 Thermal Properties 14 Composite Materials 15 Materials-Environment Interactions PART MATERIALS SYNTHESIS AND DESIGN 16 Materials Purocessing 17 Materials and Engineering Design APPENDICES A Periodic Table of the Elements B Physical and Chemical Data for the Elements C Atomic and lonic Radii of the Elements D Mechanical Properties E Answers to Selected Problems Glossary References Inedx |