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Collins Solutions English Dictionary(柯林斯英文字典)

Collins Solutions English Dictionary(柯林斯英文字典)

最 低 价:¥87.15

定 价:¥169.00

作 者:

出 版 社:Collins; 2Rev Ed edition


I S B N:9780007223923




<b>synopsis</b><br/> now in colour, "collins solutions dictionary" is the ideal compact dictionary for those who love language. specially tailored for the collins leisure stream, the new colour "collins solutions dictionary" has all the words definitions a user might need, is packed with special features. with extended word histories, fabulous folk etymologies, notes on words ''borrowed'' from other languages, as well as a fantastic 64-page supplement on word games, this is the perfect dictionary for language lovers word games enthusiasts. have confidence: all the words definitions the user needs. get it right: the newest words, including many from the collins word exchange website. get there fast: now in colour for the first time, the clear, accessible, br-new layout ensures users can find the language they need when they need it. find out more: word games supplement, detailed word histories folk etymologies, notes on ''borrowed'' words take the users'' language knowledge further. where does it fit in the range? "collins desktop dictionary" - 0-00-716334-7; "collins essential dictionary" - 0-00-715498-4; "collins solutions dictionary" - 0-00-719637-7; "collins discovery dictionary" - 0-00-722384-6; "collins express dictionary" - 0-00-719584-0.






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