作者简介: Joseph Hooper has been a property developer, stockbroker, and bank owner. He is the founder of Compound Stock Earnings and is now a financial educator, radio talk show host, and one of the world's foremost experts on covered calls. In the early 1980s, Hooper formed a bank holding company, purchased banks, directed their operations, and then sold them in the early 1990s. Later, he joined Merrill Lynch as a private client advisor, using his covered calls technique for client accounts. |
foreword. preface. chapter 1 an introduction to options. part i covered calls. chapter 2 an introduction to covered calls. chapter 3 entering new covered call positions. chapter 4 management rules. chapter 5 defensive techniques. part ii calendar leaps spreads. chapter 6 an introduction to calendar leaps spreads. chapter 7 entering new leaps positions. . chapter 8 management rules. chapter 9 defensive techniques. conclusion how to move forward. appendix a quick reference guide. appendix b foreign exchange risk. appendix c brokerages and order types. appendix d using etfs and holdrs for diversification. appendix e compound stock earnings support services. glossary. disclaimer and legal information. about the dvd. index. |