Qutline 1 Types and distribution features of reservoir sand bodies in the hydrocarbon-bearing basins of China 1.1 Types and distribution of reservoir sand bodies in hydrocarbon-bearing basins 1.2 011 producing states ofvarious sand bodies 1.3 Types and distribution of sand bodies in faulted basins and down-warped depressions 1.4 Basic sedimentary features and reserving capacities of various sand bodies 1.5 Classification of physical properties and reserving spatial features of reservoirs 2 Facies sequence and stage subdivision of burial diagenesis of clastic rocks in non-marine sedimentary basins 2.1 Diagenetic model and major features of fresh-water and brackish lacustrine clastic rocks 2.2 Diagenetic model and major features of reser-voir beds in salt-lake basins 2.3 Diagenetic model and major features of coal-bearing strata 2.4 Diagenetic model and major features of pyroclast-rich conglomerate reservoirs 2.5 Discribution of source beds and reservoir beds as well as secondary pore development belts 2.6 Formation mechanism of secondary pore development belt 3 Clay minerals in reservoir beds 3.1 Water sensitive minerals 3.2 Velocity sensitive minerals 3.3 Acid sensitive minerals 3.4 distribution of different sensitive minerals and their damages to oil beds 3.5 Damages of external materials to oil beds 3.6 Flow ( expulsion ) effect experiments 4 Specific reservoir beds 4.1 Conglomerate reservoirs with low oil satura-tion but producing pure oil 4.2 Quaternary bio-chemical gas reservoirs 4.3 CO、gas reservoir beds rich in dawsonite 4.4 Reservoirs with other speciallithologies Refer-ences |