第一章 世界因他们而不同(国家领袖篇》 1. 2010 New Year Speech Delivered by Hu Jintao, President of the People's Republic of China 2010年国家主席胡锦涛新年贺词 2. Christmas Greeting from Her Majesty Queen ElizabethⅡ英国女王伊丽莎白2009年圣诞致辞 3. New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark, APEC CEO Summit in the Speech新西兰总理海伦·克拉克在APEC CEO峰会上的演讲 4. Gettysburg Address林肯葛底斯堡演讲 5. Mrs. Thatcher's Farewell Speech撒切尔夫人告别演讲 6. 2006 the German Chancellor Angela Merkel Regards 2006年德国总理默克尔的问候 7. The Czech President Harry in NATO Summit Weir on the Closing Ceremony to Welcome Message 捷克总统哈韦尔在北约首脑会议闭幕式上致欢迎辞 8. Napoleon with Musical Farewell Guard of the Speech 拿破仑声情并茂告别卫队演讲稿 9.Mandela 1994 Inaugural Address曼德拉1994年就职演说 10. Franklin D. Roosevelt's Pearl Harbor Speech Declaration of War罗斯福要求国会向日本宣战 11. Singapore President Nathan Lee Hsien Loong in Sworn in as a Tlurd Term as Prime Minister Ceremony Speech 新加坡总统纳丹在李显龙宣誓就任第三任总理仪式上的演讲 12. Barack Obama President's State of the Union Address 巴拉克·奥巴马总统国情咨文 13. Philippine President in Shanghai World Expo TV speech 菲律宾总统在上海世博会的电视致辞 14. Yasser Arafat in 1994 Received The Nobel Peace Prize Speech 阿拉法特1994年接受诺贝尔和平奖的演讲 15. Winston Churclull's speech 丘吉尔演讲稿 16. Australian Prime Minister John Howard in Boao Asia BBS 2005 Meeting Every Year the Speech 澳总理霍华德在博鳌亚洲论坛2005年年会上的演讲 17. Christmas Greeting from Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper 加拿大总理史蒂芬·哈珀2009年圣诞致辞 18. Thailand's Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra 34th Jewelry Fair in Bangkok, the Opening Ceremony of theSpeech 泰国总理他信在第34届曼谷珠宝交易会开幕式上的演讲 19. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1994 Received the Nobel Peace Prize in the Speech 以色列总理拉宾1994年在接受诺贝尔和平奖时的演讲 第二章 听,那是政界的声音(政治人物篇) 7. Address by Donald Tsang at WTO, Hong Kong 香港特区行政长官曾荫权在WTO香港会议上致辞2I奥巴马获胜演讲 Change Has Come To America 美国即将改变 3. Address by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson at the Conference of Heads of State and Government 北约秘书长在首脑会议闭幕式上的讲话 …… 第四章 背上行囊走天涯(作有记者艺人) |