“新经典”高等学校英语专业系列教材根据《高等学校英语专业英语数学大纲》,并结合英语专业教学的最新发展而编写,包括英语语言技能、英语专业知识和相关专业知识三个类别,涵盖高校英语专业本料至研究生各阶段、各方向主要课程。本系列教材作者权威,内容经典,注重时代性和实用性,有助于学习者进一步提高语言技能,扩充专业知识,培养应用能力,提升综合素养。 |
Chapter 1 Introduction 1. Definition of Translation 2. Criteria of Translation 3. Is Translation Easy? 4. Literal Translation vs. Liberal Translation 5. Some Translation Theories in the West 6. Translatability 7. Basic Differences Between English and Chinese Chapter 2 Disparity Between "Corresponding Words"in English and chinese 1. Semantic Range and Classification 2. Collocational Meaning 3. Colorful Meaning 4. The Innocent-Looking Preposition 5. Personal Names 6. Special Plurals 7. Vogue Words Chapter 3 Different Ways of Expressing Actions 1. The Verb 2. The Noun 3. The Preposition 4. The Adjective Chapter 4 Different Perspectives Behind the Language 1. Nomenclature and Focus 2. View of Time and Space 3. Specific and General 4. Passive and Active 5. Negative and Affirmative 6. Objectivity and Subjectivity Chapter 5 Texture of the Sentence Structure 1. Word Order 2. Disjunctive Modifier 3. Behind the Parallel Structure: the Conjunction And 4. The Conjunction When 5. Repetition Word and Word Repetition 6. Information Condensed in the Attributive Modifier 7. The Relative Clause 8. Rhetorical Comparison 9. Hypotaxis and Parataxis 10. Punctuation Chapter 6 Pragmatics and Translation 1. Purpose of Communication 2. Communicative Euphemism 3. Addressing Terms 4. Conventional Greetings 5. Stylistic Connotations Chapter 7 translation as Cross-Cultural Communication 1. Cultural Connotation and Idioms 2. Some Special Terms 3. Culturally Unique Terms 4. Trademarks and Advertisements 5. Allusions 6. Implication of Color Terms Appendix Ⅰ Key to Exercises Appendix Ⅱ recommended Books on Translation |