《飞行器系统概论》特点:多年教学实践积累、强调系统性,突出概念、原理和方法、关注国内外最新研究动态,涵盖航空宇航领域新概念和新技术、全英文写作,适合双语教学。 |
Chapter 1 Briefintroduction to flight vehicles 1.1 Basic concepts 1.2 Overview of flight vehicles 1.2.1 Rockets 1.2.2 Missiles 1.2.3 Air vehicles 1.2.4 Spacevehicles 1.2.5 Hypersonic flight vehicles 1.3 Development history of flight vehicles 1.3.1 Flight vehicle exploration 1.3.2 Typical examples of aeronautics & astronautics 1.3.3 Famous persons in aerospace Words and phrases Chapter 2 Flight principles of flight vehicles 2.1 Overview 2.2 Rocket motion 2.2.1 Rocket movement 2.2.2 Rocket motion equation 2.2.3 Multistage rocket theory 2.3 Flight atmospheric environment 2.3.1 Atmospheric environment 2.3.2 Space environment 2.3.3 Standard atmosphere 2.4 Fundamental principal of fluid flowing 2.4.1 Basic concepts & typical parameters 2.4.2 Gas state equation 2.4.3 Fundamental principles of fluid flowing 2.4.4 Examples of applications 2.4.5 High speed flow 2.5 Flight mechanics enwronment 2.5.1 Overview 2.5.2 Forces acted on flight vehicles 2.5.3 Moments acted on flight vehicles 2.6 Flight vehicle motion 2.6.1 Overview 2.6.2Reference frames and transformations 2.6.3 Flight vehicle motion equation 2.7 Flight performances 2.7.1 Flight mission profile 2.7.2 Flight envelope 2.7.3 Typical flight parameters 2.7.4 Overload 2.8 Flight stability & control 2.8.1 Stability 2.8.2 Control 2.9 Space vehicles flight principles 2.9.1 Kepler laws 2.9.2 Orbit equation & universal velocities 2.9.3 Orbit description 2.9.4 Satellite orbitsur Questions Words and phrases Chapter 3 Flight vehicle system composition 3.1 Flight vehicle system 3.2 Missile system composition 3.2.1 Missile elementary composition 3.2.2 An antitank missile system 3.2.3A ground-to-air missile system 3.3 Rocket system composition 3.3.1 A multiple rocket launcher system 3.3.2Carrier rocket 3.4 Aircraft systems 3.4.1 Flight control systems 3.4.2 Engine control systems and fuel systems 3.4.3 Hydraulic systems 3.4.4 Navigation systems 3.4.5 Electrical systems 3.4.6 Pneumatic systems 3.4.7 Emergency systems 3.5 Spacecraft system composition 3.5.1 Satellite system …… Chapter 4 Flight vehicle propulsion system Chapter 5 Flight vehicle aerodynamic configuration Chapter 6 Flight vehicle construction Chapter 7 Flight Vehicle Guidance and Control System Chapter 8 Ground equipment and launch Chapter 9 Payloads Chapter 10 Flight vehicle system design and development References |