作者简介Brian Knittel is a software developer, consultant, and writer. He's authored or coauthored many of Que's best-selling Windows books, including Que's leading Windows books, Special Edition Using Microsoft Windows and Windows 7 In Depth. Brian also is the author of Windows XP Under the Hood, Windows 7 and Vista Guide to Scripting, Automation, and Command Line Tools. Brian also coauthored Upgrading and Repairing Microsoft Windows with Scott Mueller. Paul McFedries is the author of more than 70 computer books that have sold more than 3 million copies worldwide. His recent titles include the Sams Publishing books Microsoft Windows 7 Unleashed and Microsoft Windows Vista Unleashed Second Edition, and the Que Publishing books Tweak It and Freak It: A Killer Guide to Making Windows Run Your Way, Networking with Microsoft Windows Vista, and Build It. Fix It. Own It. A Beginner's Guide to Building and Upgrading a PC. Paul is also the proprietor of Word Spy (www.wordspy.com) a website devoted to tracking new words and phrases as they enter the English language. |