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Excel 2007 for Educational and Psychological Statistics

Excel 2007 for Educational and Psychological Statistics

最 低 价:¥624.70

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作 者:Thomas J. Quirk

出 版 社:


I S B N:9781461437246





At the beginning of his academic career, Prof. Quirk spent six years in educational research at The American Institutes for Research and Educational Testing Service. He then taught Education, Psychology, and Social Research Methods at Principia College, and is currently a Professor of Marketing in the George Herbert Walker School of Business & Technology at Webster University based in St. Louis, Missouri (USA) where he teaches Marketing Statistics, Marketing Research, and Pricing Strategies. He has written 60+ textbook supplements in Marketing and Management, published 20+ articles in professional journals, and presented 20+ papers at professional meetings. He holds a B.S. in Mathematics from John Carroll University, both an M.A. in Education and a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Stanford University, and an M.B.A. from The University of Missouri-St. Louis.



Sample Size, Mean, Standard Deviation, and Standard Error of the Mean.- Random Number Generator.- Confidence Interval About the Mean Using the TINV Function and Hypothesis Testing.- One-Group t-Test for the Mean.- Two-Group t-Test of the Difference of the Means for Independent Groups.- Correlation and Simple Linear Regression.- Multiple Correlation and Multiple Regression.- One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).- Appendix A: Answers to End-of-Chapter Practice Problems.- Appendix B: Practice Test.- Appendix C: Answers to Practice Test.- Appendix D: Statistical Formulas.- Appendix E: t-table.- Index




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