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Human Resource Management with Premium Content Access Card

Human Resource Management with Premium Content Access Card

最 低 价:¥1705.40

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作 者:H.John Bernardin

出 版 社:


I S B N:9780077602963





H. John Bernardin is University Professor of Research in the College of Business at Florida Atlantic University. He is the coeditor of the Human Resource Management Review and has authored and edited 4 books and over 100 articles. Professor Bernardin is the former chair of the Division of Personnel/Human Resources of the National Academy of Management.



Part 1: Human Resource Management and the Environment Chapter 1: Strategic Human Resource Management in a Changing Environment Chapter 2: The Role of Globalization in HR Policy and Practice Chapter 3: The Legal Environment of HRM: Equal Employment Opportunity Part 2: Acquiring Human Resource Capability Chapter 4: Work Analysis and Design Chapter 5: Human Resource Planning and Recruitment Chapter 6: Personnel Selection Part 3: Developing Human Resource Capability Chapter 7: Performance Management and Appraisal Chapter 8: Training and Development Chapter 9: Career Development Part 4: Compensating and Managing Human Resources Chapter 10: Compensation: Base Pay and Fringe Benefits Chapter 11: Rewarding Performance Chapter 12: Managing the Employment Relationship Chapter 13: Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining Chapter 14: Employee Health and Safety Appendix A: Critical Thinking Applications Appendix B: Chapter Exercises Appendix C: Assessment Guidelines for Self, Peer, and Designated




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