Part 1: Human Resource Management and the Environment Chapter 1: Strategic Human Resource Management in a Changing Environment Chapter 2: The Role of Globalization in HR Policy and Practice Chapter 3: The Legal Environment of HRM: Equal Employment Opportunity Part 2: Acquiring Human Resource Capability Chapter 4: Work Analysis and Design Chapter 5: Human Resource Planning and Recruitment Chapter 6: Personnel Selection Part 3: Developing Human Resource Capability Chapter 7: Performance Management and Appraisal Chapter 8: Training and Development Chapter 9: Career Development Part 4: Compensating and Managing Human Resources Chapter 10: Compensation: Base Pay and Fringe Benefits Chapter 11: Rewarding Performance Chapter 12: Managing the Employment Relationship Chapter 13: Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining Chapter 14: Employee Health and Safety Appendix A: Critical Thinking Applications Appendix B: Chapter Exercises Appendix C: Assessment Guidelines for Self, Peer, and Designated |