1. Access to justice and collective actions: Florence and beyond Stefan Wrbka, Steven Van Uytsel and Mathias M. Siems; Part I. Setting the Stage: 2. European consumer protection law: quo vadis? Thoughts on the compensatory collective redress debate Stefan Wrbka; 3. Collective actions in a competition law context - reconciling multilayer interests to enhance access to justice? Steven Van Uytsel; 4. Private enforcement of directors' duties: derivative actions as a global phenomenon Mathias M. Siems; Part II. Cross-Continental Perspectives on Collective Redress: 5. From peasant to shareholder: divergent paths of group litigation in Tokugawa Japan and England Sean McGinty; 6. Reconciling multilayer interests in environmental law: access to justice in environmental matters in the European Union and the United States Monika Hinteregger; Part III. A Need to Enhance Collective Redress in Japan?: 7. Recent problems of group rights protection for consumers in Japan Kunihiro Nakata; 8. Can collective action be a solution to improve access to justice in Japan? Examination of measures to enhance the private enforcement of competition law in Japan Akinori Uesugi; Part IV. Collective Enforcement of Company and Securities Law: 9. Does more litigation mean more justice for shareholders? The case of derivative actions in Vietnam Quynh Thuy Quach; 10. The United States Supreme Court and implied private cause of actions under Sec. Rule 10b-5: the politics of class actions Arthur R. Pinto; Part V. Indirect Purchasers and Collective Redress: 11. Indirect purchaser suits after the class action fairness act: reconciling multilayer interests in antitrust litigation William Page; 12. Collective actions by indirect purchasers: lessons from the Japanese Oil Cartel cases Simon Vande Walle; Part VI. Recent Developments of and Future Perspectives on Collective Redress: 13. Collective enforcement: European prospects in light of Swedish experience Annina H. Persson; 14. Transnational class settlements: lessons from Converium Benoit Allemeersch; 15. The impetus for class actions reform in England arising from the competition law sector Rachael Mulheron. |