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Installation Technology in Great Turbine Generator Unit of 700MW

Installation Technology in Great Turbine Generator Unit of 700MW

最 低 价:¥78.20

定 价:¥95.00

作 者:中国葛洲坝集团公司 编著

出 版 社:中国电力出版社


I S B N:9787512326125




     The Yangtze River Three Gorges Project is a remarkably big project. After genera- tio of research, survey, planning, designing and cotruction by Chinese people, the 700MW hydro- generator units have been italled in Three Gorges Project, Which is a significant breakthrough. 454 pictures were selected from te of thousands of cotruction pictures and a few hundreds of videos showing the beauty of mechanical and electrical itallation project for the book. The itallation process ofALSTOM 700MW hydro-generator unit with words and pictures. It includes brief introduction on three gorges project, turbine itallation, generator itallation. This is a practical and readable book for students and teache in college and worke in this industry.



Editor's Note
Part One Overview
 1 Brief Introduction on Three Gorges Project
 2 Major Technical Paramete for Turbine Generator
 3 Structure of Turbine and Generator
 4 Itallation Procedure for Turbine and Generator
 5 Safety Precautio
Part Two Turbine Itallation
 1 Pit Survey
 2 Itallation of Bottom Ring
 3 Trial Itallation of Distributor
 4 Runner Itallation & Stay Ring Machining
 5 Distributor Itallation
 6 Turbine Shaft Itallation
 7 Air Admission System Itallation
 8 Turbine Guide Bearing and Seals Itallation
 9 Itallation of Mechanical Parts for Governor
Part Three Generator Itallation
 1 Stator Frame and Core Assembly
 2 Stator Winding Assembly
 3 Rotor Assembly
 4 Lower Bracket and Thrust Bearing Assembly
 5 Stator Itallation
 6 Lower Shaft and Lower Bracket Itallation
 7 Rotor Itallation
 8 Upper Bracket Assembly and Itallation
 9 Generator Final Itallation and Unit Axis Alignment




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