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最 低 价:¥26.30

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作 者:(爱尔兰)布朗 等著

出 版 社:机械工业出版社


I S B N:9787111388630




  机械工业出版社华章公司较早意识到“出版要为教育服务”。自1998年开始,我们就将工作重点放在了遴选、移译国外优秀教材上。经过多年的不懈努力,我们与pearson,mcgraw-hill,elsevier,mit,john wiley & sons,cengage等世界著名出版公司建立了良好的合作关系,从他们现有的数百种教材中甄选出andrew s. tanenbaum,bjarne stroustrup,brain w. kernighan,dennis ritchie,jim gray,afred v. aho,john e. hopcroft,jeffrey d. ullman,abraham silberschatz,william stallings,donald e. knuth,john l. hennessy,larry l. peterson等大师名家的一批经典作品,以“计算机科学丛书”为总称出版,供读者学习、研究及珍藏。大理石纹理的封面,也正体现了这套丛书的品位和格调。



1 introduction
 1.1 the software industry
 1.2 software testing and quality
 1.3 errors.faults and failures
  1.3.1 software faults
  1.3.2 software failures
  1.3.3 need for testing
 1.4 the role of sdecifications
 1.5 overview of testing
  1.5.1 testing in the development process
  1.5.2 test automation
 1.6 the theory of testing
  1.6.1 exhaustive testing example
  1.6.2 implications
 1.7 when to finish testing
 1.8 notes on book structure
2 principles of software testing
 .2.1 dynamic and static verification
  2.1.1 static verification
  2.1.2 dynamic verification
 2.2 black-box and white.box testing
  2.2.1 errors of“omission”and“commission”
 2.3 test approaches
  2.3.1 black-box testing
  2.3.2 white-box testing
  2.3.3 fault insertion
 2.4 test activities
  2.4.1 analysis outputs
  2.4.2 test cases
  2.4.3 test data
  2.4.4 test code for test proceduresl
 2.5 analysis of software specifications
  2.5.1 parameters
  2.5.2 parameter ranges
  2.5.3 equivalence partitions
  2.5.4 boundary values
  2.5.5 combinations of values
  2.5.6 sequences of values
 2.6 analysis of software components
  2.6.1 control flow graphs
  2.6.2 decisions and conditions
  2.6.3 paths
  2.6.4 data-flow testing
  2.6.5 ranking
 2.7 analysis of targets for fault insertion
  2.7.1 offutt’s 5 sufficient mutations
 2.8 test artefacts
3 unit testing
 3.1 introduction
 3.2 usage
 3.3 black-box techniques
  3.3.1 equivalence partitioning(ep)
  3.3.2 boundary value analysis fbval
  3.3.3 testing combinations of inputs(ci)
  3.3.4 testing sequences of inputs(si)or state
  3.3.5 random input data fridl
  3.3.6 error guessing fegl
 3.4 white.box techniques
  3.4.1 statement coverage fscl
  3.4.2 branch coverage fbcl
  3.4.3 condition coverage fccl
  3.4.4 decision condition coverage fdccl
  3.4.5 multiple condition coverage(mcc)
  3.4.6 path coverage fpci
  3.4.7 d—u pair coverage(dup)
  3.5 fault insertion
 3.5.1 strong mutation testing(smt)
4 unit testing examples
5 static v_erification
6 testing object-oriented software
7 integration and system testing
8 software test automation
9 testing in the software process
10 advanced testing issues
a terminology
b exercises
select bibliography     




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