1. The Beggar and His Gifts 2. The Magic Ring 3. The Rich Man and the Beggar 4. The Cricket 5. Men and Women of Stone 6. The Golden Fish 7. The Donkey and the Lap Dog 8. The Town of Fools 9. The Wolf and the Crane 10. Fortune and the Poor Man 11. The Goose That Could Lay Golden Eggs 12. A Mouse Chose a Son-in-Law 13. The Wisdom of a Poor Man 14. The Ungrateful Man 15. New Arrruals at the Zoo 16. The Hedgehog and the Hare 17. The Boastful Mouse 18. The Farmer, the Snake and the Fox 19. The Six Srllies 20. The Golden Touch 21. The BoV and the Wolf 22. A Faithful Dog 23. A Dollar for a Donkey 24. The Iron Pot ancr the Pottey Pot 25. To Be Wise, Strong, and Good 26. Riding a Tiger 27. The Biggest Voice 28. Apple Tree 29. The Krng’s Banquet 30. The Bell of Justice 31. Damon and Pythias 32. The Sky Is Falling Down 33. The King and the Goose Boy 34. What Was the Tiger Afrard of? 35. The Dwarf and the Fish-Bone 36. Muhammad and Hrs Dogs 37. Foolish Jack 38. Opossums Like to Roll Over 39. Lazy Eliza 40. The Boy Who Drew Cats 41. The Frog Went to Heaven 42. The Master of Masters 43. The Gourd Children 44. The Miser 45. The Woman and the Mustard Seed …… 参考文献 |