Map of the book Thanks and acknowledgements Introduction to the learner 1 The three sectors of the economy 2 Management 3 Company structure 4 Work and motivation 5 Management and cultural diversity 6 Recruitment 7 Labour relations 8 Production 9 Products 10 Marketing 11 Advertising 12 Promotional tools 13 Accounting and financial statements 14 Banking 15 Stocks and shares 16 Bonds 17 Futures and derivatives 18 Market structure and competition 19 Takeovers,mergers and buyouts 20 Efficiency and employment 21 Business ethics 22 The role of government 23 Central banking,money and taxation 24 Exchange rates 25 The business cycle 26 Keynesianism and monetarism 27 International trade 28 Economics and ecology 29 Information techology and electronic commerce 30 Entrepreneurs and venture capital Appendix and Bibliography Glossary(English_French-German-Italian-Spanish) 附录:剑桥商务英语证书(BEC高级)考试说明 |