Preface Chapter 1 Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Titanium Alloys 1 Introduction 1.1 Crystal structure 1.2 Deformation modes 1.3 Phase diagrams 1.4 Phase transformations 1.5 Alloy classification 1.6 Basic hardening mechanisms 1.7 Basic physical and chemical properties 2 Thermomechanical processing and microstructure 2.1 CP titanium 2.2 Alpha + Beta alloys 2.3 Beta alloys 3 Basic correlation between microstructures and mechanical properties 3.1 Alpha + Beta alloys 3.2 Beta alloys 4 Properties and applications 4.1 Alpha titanium alloys 4.2 Alpha + Beta titanium alloys for high temperature use …… 5 Titanium Producion and Inspection References Problems Chapter 2 Interfacial Structures and Mechanical Properties of Titanium Aluminides 1 Introducion 2 Phase Stability, ulk and defect properties 3 Deformation of single-phase titanium aluminides 4 Interfacial structures and energies 5 Mechanical properties of PST crystals 6 Summary 7 Acknowledgments 8 References Chapter 3 Iron Aluminides 1 Introducion 2 The Fe-Al phase diagram 3 Applications and developmet potential 4 Processing Part 1: Fe3Al Alloys 5 Dislocations and antiphase boundaries 6 Mechanical properties 7 Environmental resistance 8 Alloy development 9 Welding Part 2: Fe-Al Alloys 10 Dislocations and antiphase boundaries 11 Mechanical Properties 12 Embrittlement phenomena …… Chapter 4 Iron and Steels Chapter 5 Synthesis and Soft Magnetic Properites of Fe-Based Bulk Amorphus Alloys Chapter 6 Nanocrystalline Materials Subject index Author Index |