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最 低 价:¥78.00

定 价:¥178.00

作 者:Julie Stav

出 版 社:Rayo

出版时间:2006 年7月

I S B N:9780060854904




socrates' guiding rule was "know thyself." tese words are of eternal significance, and, arguably, no better advice has ever been given to man or woman. yet, what would socrates have said ifhe had to dispense practical financial advice in today's hyper-spending, debtsaturated climate? with the myriad pressures involved in building wealth, instilling practical spending habits in ourselves and our kids, and ultimately establishing a life in which money is abundant and our fiscal future secure, undoubtedly he would tell us, "know thy financial self." .
  in the money in you.t, julie stav introduces us to five different financial personality types.according to.julie, it is our financial nature-the way we handle money matters-that forecasts our financial future. ..
  julie shows readers that no amount of data or market expertise trumps the fundamental truth we all forget-that building wealth, attaining security, and establishing personal success can only be achieved when we recognize our strengths and weaknesses. ifwe are in touch with our motivations, our desires, and our innate tendencies, we can shed the guilt of making the same mistakes over and over; we can halt the vicious cycle of overspending, debt, and ruined relationships. it is then that we are able to restructure our lives to fit our individual goals, whether it's learning to play the stock market or just saving for shoes.
  finally, julie shows us how to establish healthy relationships with the people who are affected by our financial decisions, and who affect us with theirs. endlessly entertaining,this book will initiate feisty discussions over just who we are and how we interact with others. `julie stav will both delight and inform. ...


JULIE STAVis a financial planner, broker, bestselling author, and host of an acclaimed daily call-in radio show. Julie has dedicated her career to the education and empowerment of millions of Americans.She previously authored two New York Times bestsellers, Get Your Share and Fund Your Future.Both have been developed into successful PBS specials on personal finance. ...
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