Walter Glenn, MCSE, MCDST, and MCT, has been a computer con sultant, trainer, and author for 17 years. He is a columnist for TechNet Zone and has written nearly 20 books, including several Microsoft Self-Paced Training Kits. |
Part 1 Learn at Your Own Pace 1 Introduction to Windows XP Professional 2 Installing Windows XP Professional 3 Deploying Windows XP Professional 4 Modifying and Troubleshooting the Startup Process 5 Configuring Windows XP Professional 6 Installing, Managing, and Troubleshooting Hardware Devices and Drivers 7 Setting Up and Managing User Accounts 8 Securing Resources with NTFS Permissions 9 Administering Shared Folders 10 Managing Data Storage 11 Setting Up, Configuring, and Troubleshooting Printers 12 Managing Printers and Documents 13 Supporting TCP/IP 14 Overview of Active Directory Service 15 Configuring Network and Internet Connections 16 Configuring Security Settings and Internet Options 17 Monitoring and Managing Shared Folders by Using Computer Management 18 Using Windows XP Tools 19 Monitoring and Optimizing System Performance 20 Backing Up and Restoring Data Part 2 Prepare for the Exam 21 Installing Windows XP Professional (1.0) 22 Implementing and Conducting Administration of Resources 23 Implementing, Managing, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting Hardware Devices and Drivers 24 Monitoring and Optimizing System Performance and Reliability 25 Configuring and Troubleshooting the Desktop Environment 26 Implementing, Managing, and Troubleshooting Network Protocols and Services 27 Configuring, Managing, and Troubleshooting Security |