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激光原理 第4版

激光原理 第4版

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作 者:(意)斯维尔托 著

出 版 社:世界图书出版公司


I S B N:9787506291569

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  • 激光原理 第4版
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    This new Fourth Edition of Principles of Lasers is so thoroughly updated and expanded that it is virtually a whole new book。 But the text s essential mission remains the same: to provide a wide-ranging yet unified description of laser behavior, physics, technology, and current applications。 Dr. Svelto emphasizes the physical rather than the mathematical aspects of lasers, and presents the subject in the simplest terms compatible with a correct physical understanding。
      Orazio Svelto is Professor of Quantum Electronics at the Polytechnic Institute of Milan and Director of the Quantum Electronics Center of the Italian National Research Council。 His research has covered a wide range of activity in the field of laser physics and quantum electronics, starting from the very beginning of these disciplines。This activity includes ultrashort-pulse generation and applications,development of laser resonators and mode-selection techniques,laser applications in biology and medicine, and development of solid-state lasers。 Professor Svelto is the author of more than 150 scientific papers and his researches have been the subject of more than 50 invited papers and international conferences。 He has served as a program chair of the IX International Quantum Electronics Conference(1976),as a chair of the European program committee for CLEO 85 and CLEO 90, and he was general co-chair for the first CLEO-Europe Conference(1994)。He is an elected member of the Italian“Accademia dei XL” and a Fellow of the IEEE。



    Lists of Examples
    1. Introductory Concepts
     1.1 Spontaneous and Stimulated Emission, Absorption
     1.2 The Laser Idea
     1.3 Pumping Schemes
     1.4 Properties of Laser Beams
    1.4.1 Monochromaticity
    1.4.2 Coherence
    1.4.3 Directionality
    1.4.4 Brightness
    1.4.5 Short Pulse Duration
    1.5 LaserTypes
    2. Interaction of Radiation with Atoms and Ions
    2.1. Introduction
    2.2. Summary ofBlackbody RadiationTheory
    2.2.1 Modes of a RectangularCavity
    2 2.2 Rayleigh-Jeans and Planck Radiation Formula
    2.2.3 Planck’s Hypothesis and Field Quantization
    2.3 Spontaneous Emission
    2.3.1 Semiclassical Approach
    2.3.2 Quantum Electrndynamics Approach
    2.3 3 Allowed and F0rbiddenTransitions
    2.4 Absorption and Stimulated Emission
    2.4.1 Absorption and Stimulated Emission Rates
    2.4.2 Allowedand ForbiddenTtansitions
    2.4.3 Transition Cross Section,Absorption.and Gain Coe佑cient
    2.4.4 Einstein Thermndynamic Treatment
    2.5 Line-Broadening Mechanisms
    2.5.1 Homogeneous Broadening
    2.5.2 Inhomogeneous Broadening
    2.5.3 Concluding Remarks
    2.6 NonradiativeDecay and Energy Transfer
    2.6.l Mechanisms Of Nonradiative Decay
    2.6.2 Combined EfieCtS of Radiative and Nonradiative Processes
    2.7 Degenerate or Strongly Coupled Levels
    2.7.l Degenerate Levels
    2.7.2 Strongly Coupled Lex,els
    2.8 Saturation
    2.8.l Saturation of Absorption:Homogeneous Line
    2.8.2 Gain Saturation:Homogeneous Line
    2.8.3 InhOmogeneously Broadened Line
    2.9 Fluourescence Decay of an Optically Dense Medium
    2.9.1 Radiation Trapping
    2.9.2 Amplified Spontaneous Emission
    2.10 Concluding Remarks
    3. Energy Levels Radiative and Nonradiative Transitions in Molecules and Semiconductors
    3.1 Molecules
    3.1.1 Energy Levels
    3.l.2 Level 0ccupation at Thermal Equilibrium
    3.1.3 Stimulated Transitions
    3.l.4 Radiative and Nonradiative Decay
    3.2 Bulk Semiconductors
    3.2.1 Electronic States
    3.2.2 Density of States
    3.2.3 LeveI Occupation at Thermal Equilibrium
    3.2.4 Stimulated Transitions:Selection Rules
    3.2.5 Absorption andGain Coefficients
    3.2.6 Spontaneous Emission and Nonradiative Decay
    3.2.7 Concluding Remarks
    3.3 Semiconductor Ouantum Wells
    3.3.1 Electronic States
    3.3.2 Density of States
    3.3.3 Level Occupation at Therrnal Equilibrium
    3.3.4 Stimulated Transitions:Selection Rules
    3.3.5 Absorption andGain Coefficients
    3.3.6 StrainedQuantumwells
    3.4 Quantum Wires and Quantum Dots
    3.5 Concluding Remarks
    4. Ray and Wave Propagation through Optical Media
    4.1 Introduction
    5. Passive Optical Resonators
    6. Pumping Process
    7. Continuous Wave Laser Behavior
    8. Transient Laser Behavior
    9. Solid-State, Dye, and Semiconductors Lasers
    10. Gas. Chemical, Free-Election, and X-Ray Lasers
    11. Properties of Laser Beams
    12. Laser Beam Transformation:Propagation, Amplification, Frequency Conversion, Pulse Compression, and Pulse Expansion
    Answers to Selected Problems




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