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作 者:美国教育考试服务中心

出 版 社:世界图书出版公司

出版时间:2006 年1月

I S B N:7506279037



● ETS中国惟一授权版本。
  ● 新托福考试的必备权威辅导书。
  ● 含500多项考试题目及写作题库。
  ● 涵盖新托福考试所有题型及相关备考信息。
  ● 附赠光盘一张。


    if you're looking for the best,most trustworthy guide to the new toefl ibt,you've found it !the offcial guide to the new toefl ibt is the one and only toefl guide specially created by ets-the people who actually make the test.that mean it's your most reliable source for everything you need to know about the new test.only ets can show you ezactly what to expect on the new internet-based toefl test,tell you precisely how is scorde-and give you hundreds of authentic test questions to study for practice!that's why this guide is your best choice for preaparing for the new toefl test.it's packed with everything you need to succeed on the test-and help you get inot the college or university of your choice!


美国教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)成立于1947年,是目前世界上最大的私营非营利教育考试评估机构,也是教育研究领域的领导者。该组织致力于为近200个国家的个人、教育机构和政府部门提供服务,并在全球范围内开展、管理着每年1200多万人次的考试,其中包括我们所熟悉的TOEFL® 、GRE® 、GMAT®考试等。
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chapter 1 introducing the toefl ibt
all about the toefl test
how to use this book
all about the toefl ibt
test preparation tips from ets
registering for the toefl ibt
questions frequently asked by students
chapter 2 toefl ibt reading
toefl ibt reading passages
toefl ibt reading questions
improving your performance on toefl ibt reading questions
reading practice sets
practice toefl ibt reading section
chapter 3 toefl ibt listening
toefl ibt listening materials
toefl ibt listening questions
how to sharpen your listening skills
listening practice sets
practice toefl ibt listening section
chapter 4 toefl ibt seaking
. introduction to the speaking section
speaking question types
strategies for raising your toefl speaking score
practice toefl ibt speaking section
toefl ibt speaking score rubric
frquently asked questions about toefl speaking
chapter 5 toefl ibt writing
introduction to the writing section
the integrated writing task
the independent writing task
chapter 6 writer's handbook for english language learners
appendlx 1 toefl ibt score intformation
appendlx 2 english language competency descriptors




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