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Preface 1 The Theory of Special Relativity 1.1 The Lorentz Transformations 1.2 Relativistic Velocities 1.3 Mass,Momentum and Energy 1.4 Four-Vectors 1.5 Relativity and Electromagnetism 1.6 The Compton Effect 1.7 Problems 2 Aspects of Angular Momentum 2.1 Various Angular Momenta 2.2 Angular Momentum and Rotations 2.3 Operators and Eigenvectors for Spin 1/2 2.4 Operators for Higher Spins 2.5 Orbital Magnetic Moments 2.6 Spin Without Relativity 2.7 Thomas Precession 2.8 The Pauli Equation in a Central Potential 2.9 Dirac Notation 2.10 Clebsch-Gordan and Racah Coefficients 2.11 Relativistic Quantum Numbers and Spin-Angular Functions 2.12 Energy Levels of the One-Electron Atom 2.13 Plane Wave Expansions 2.14 Problems 3 Particles of Spin Zero 3.1 The Klein-Gordon Equation 3.2 Relativistic Wavefunctions, Probabilities and Currents 3.3 The Fine Structure Constant 3.4 The Two-Component Klein-Gordon Equation 3.5 Free Klein-Gordon Particles/Antiparticles 3.6 The Klein Paradox 3.7 The Radial Klein-Gordon Equation 3.8 The Spinless Electron Atom 3.9 Problems 4 The Dirac Equation 4.1 The Origin of the Dirac Equation 4.2 The Dirac Matrices 4.3 Lorentz Invariance of the Dirac Equation 4.4 The Nom-Relativistic Limit of the Dirac Equation 4.5 An Alternative Formulation of the Dirac Equation 4.6 Prlbabilities and Currents 4.7 Gordon Decomposition 4.8 Forces and Fields 4.9 Gauge Invariance and the Dirac Equation 4.10 Problems 5 Free Particles/Antiparticles 5.1 Wavefunctions, Densities and Currents 5.2 Free-Particle Solutions 5.3 Free-Particle Spin Rotations and Spinors A Generalized Spin Operator 5.4 Negative Energy States, Antiparticles 5.5 Classical Negative Energy Particles? 5.6 The Klein Paradox Revisited 5.7 Lorentz Transformation of the Free-Particle Wavefunction 5.5 Problems 6 Symmetries and Operators 6.1 Nom-Relativistic Spin Projecrtion Operators 6.2 Relativistic Energy and Spin Projection Operators 6.3 Charge Conjugation 6.4 Time-Reversal Invariance 6.5 Parity 6.6 … 6.7 Angular Momentum Again 6.8 Non-Relativistic Limits Again 6.9 Second Quantization …… 7 Separating Particles from Antiparticles 8 One-Electrom Atoms 9 Potential Problems 10 More Than One Electron 11 Scattering Theory 12 Electrons and Photons 13 Superconductivity Appendix A The Uncertainty Principle Appendix B The Confluent Hypergeometric Function B.1 Relations to Other Functions Appendix C Spherical Harmonics Appendix D Unit Systems Appendix E Fundamental Constants References Index |