内容简介 《快意恩仇(套装上下册)》内容简介:青玉县先进工人刘聿义,“文革”中被县造反派头目徐仁虎夺取已生有一女的美丽妻子。并被打成现行反革命,在遭徐仁虎结拜兄弟郑革资等人的残酷迫害时死里逃生,越境至缅甸,被山寨军师裕光吉搭救并收留.改名丁之光。在山寨内部火并时,他险遭毒枭格林逊杀害,又被迫逃往泰国......
“If the owners of small companies do not think globally,they may not be prepared when one of their local or international competitors begins to encroa......
The American labor market faces many deep-rooted problems, including persistence of a large low-wage sector, worsening inequality in earnings, employe......
内容简介 STARBUCKED is the first book to explore the incredible rise of the Starbucks Corporation and the caffeine-crazy culture that fuelled its success.......
Corporations have been moving jobs and capital out of countries like the United States since the late 1960s. In the public mind it is only recently th......
Lane Silverman was a struggling freelance writer, desperate to sell an article that would pay her rent, when she stumbled upon the pitch of a lifetime......
[b]book description[/b] an inspiring guide for women who aren''t afraid of 40...but want to make their most of their 30s first! from #1 to #101, ......
In this innovative book, one of the most respected analysts in the world articulates a new way of understanding how we live. Mark Penn, the man who id......
The perfect companion to Joel Osteen's bestselling book helps readers integrate his seven life-changing principles into their daily lives. YOUR BEST L......
[div]hundreds of delightful aphorisms, carefully selected from many issues of franklin''s popular 18th-century publication: “early to bed and early to......
经典游戏改写小说-仙剑奇侠系列。跨世纪的永恒经典,划时代的不朽巨作。脱胎换骨不断淬炼,凄美传说浴火重现。 这部《新仙剑奇侠传》小说的改编,是以《新仙剑奇侠传》为蓝本。故事由恬淡无争的小村落出发,沿途经富庶繁华的大城、乡野纯朴的小镇、清幽绝俗的仙界、阴森悚然的鬼域,甚至时光倒流回至从前……剧情发展峰回......
Salespeople are looking for one thing.., answers. In The Sales Bible, Jeffrey Gitomer describes methods and techniques that really work every day, in ......