《品三国(下)》: 公元208年赤壁之战以后,辖有长江南北七郡的战略要地——荆州为曹操、刘备、孙权三方所瓜分,历史上魏、吴、蜀三足鼎立的局面开始形成。曹操作为一个有雄心壮志的人,虽然在赤壁战败,军事上失利,但曹操的理想是荡平四海、一统九州,他会就此罢休吗?刘备从到处颠沛流离到与曹操、孙权呈鼎足......
迄今为止唯一全本白话正说明朝大历史,历史本身很精彩,历史可以写得很好看。 荣获“新浪图书风云榜”最佳图书,当当网“终身五星级最佳图书”,多次斩获“卓越亚马逊畅销书大奖”,畅销500万册的最有阅读价值读物。...
本书是以介绍法国文学发展主要历程为目标的普及性文学史话,内容包括法国文学的各个主要发展阶段,评介了各时期的主要文学形式,文学流派以及代表性作家和作品,并穿插对法国历史文化的介绍描写。文字流畅活泼,内容有趣味性。 法国文学在世界文学中占有重要的地位。它源远流长,光彩夺目,诗人、小说家群星灿烂,旷......
"Eyewitness Guides" are best-selling, high-quality visual information books. This title is a valuable resource to students whether you want to learn h......
In this playful story, Barney helps BJ remember to practice safety rules as they plan for a fun day at the playground. From wearing a safety helmet wh......
This summer was supposed to be different. With the school year over, Darcy Wills is looking forward to the best time of her life. But her plans are sh......
Life sucks when your friends are pissed at you. Just ask Zoey Redbird – she’s become an expert on suckiness. In one week she has gone from having thre......
"Maths Challenge" has been written to provide an enrichment programme for able students at lower secondary level. Its: challenges provide stimulating ......
This title presents a three-level course for pre-teenage students which bridges the gap between primary and secondary learning styles....
The allies of the night prepare for the final, deadly confrontation. Darren and Mr Crepsley will get more than they bargained for when they come face ......
Reissue of the highly acclaimed thriller by the world s most outstanding dark fantasist. WEAVEWORLD is an epic adventure of the imagination. It begins......
Dora and her friends are back in an exciting new adventure! It s a beautiful day and Dora invties Boots to go swimming in the ocean with her. But Dora......
A variety of beautifully-illustrated、case studies of smalI Interiors.ingeniously designed to maximise their limited space,make this an indiSpensable s......
Ms. Todd is subbing, and A.J. and his friends are sure she kidnapped Miss Daisy so she could take over her job. They re going to have to do the detect......
Humanitarian consumers have been outraged to learn of the Gap s sweatshops, the young children who assemble Nike running shoes, and the deplorable dem......