Discusses the principles of animation and includes practical instructions for classical animation as well as for computer animation....
Explores the people, places, and ideas found in the motion picture adaptation of the second part of J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings."......
The revised edition of the popular instructional guide covers the latest technology and offers practical tips for both the novice and the experienced ......
VRay渲染器是3ds max的外挂渲染插件,能够无缝镶嵌在渲染模块中,是目前最热门的渲染器之一。它广泛应用于影视动画设计、室内外装潢设计等领域。本书作者是目前国内第一线渲染高手,他将VRay的各个功能用大量的实例方式进行分类精讲,附有大量精美的参数对比图例,对VRay的所有技术点进行全面的剖析。本......
内容简介Book DescriptionSometimes disaster is serendipity in disguise. Farrell Eaves had carefully placed his digital camera on a tripod next to the sceni......
What would an artist be without his or her own sketchbook? Throughout the pages of To Imagine Is Everything, you'll find ample space to create whateve......
The holidays (like dogs) are all about sharing, unconditional love, and enjoying the moment, but sometimes, with the hubbub of shopping, open houses, ......