《visual basic程序设计》采用项目化“任务驱动式”教学设计方法,根据高职教育的特点,将visual basic程序设计知识的教学贯穿于项目化实训任务之中。《visual basic程序设计》分为10个项目近40个任务,分属程序入门、程序结构、人机交互界面编程、文件操......
内容简介 《汽车实用英语(新编版)》是教育部职业教育与成人教育司推荐教材,由赵金明、林振江主编。主要介绍了汽车基础英语、汽车维修英语、汽车应用英语。汽车基础英语包含汽车的标志、汽车的分类和汽车的组成部分。汽车维修英语介绍了汽车各主要系统的构造和工作原理。汽车应用英语讲述了如何购车、定期维护,如何减少......
本书是与《autocad 2010实用教程》一书配套的实验指导,也可以脱离教材独立使用。全书共12章,内容包括:管理图纸和图层、设置绘图环境、使用辅助功能精确绘图、绘制简单图形、绘制几何图形、编辑并填充图形、文字标注和块的应用、绘制建筑平面图、绘制建筑立面图、绘制零件图、绘制蜗轮零件图、参数化绘图与......
本书重点介绍了autocad2011中文版的新功能及各种基本方法、操作技巧和应用实例。本书最大的特点是,在进行知识点讲解的同时,列举了大量的实例,使读者能在实践中掌握autocad2011的使用方法和技巧。 全书分为10章,分别介绍了autocad2011的有关基础知识、二维图形绘制与编辑、各种基......
《汽车电工与电子基础(第2版)》是高等职业教育汽车运用技术专业规划教材,主要内容包括直流电路、正弦交流电路、三相交流电路、磁路与变压器、交流电动机及控制、直流电动机、半导体器件及应用、三极管及放大电路、数字电路基础、电工电子测量仪表、汽车微机控制系统介绍,共11个单元。 《汽车电工与电子基础(第2......
Mafatu has been afraid of the sea for as long as he can remember. Though his father is the Great Chief of Hikueru - an island whose seafaring people w......
This is the story of how the biggest and most loved dog in America got to be so big!Theme: Help & Happiness...
The Dursleys were so mean and hideous that summer that all Harry Potter wanted was to get back to the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. But......
If you've ever wondered how a movie gets made, you're not alone. Author and illustrator Jeff Kinney didn't know either, but when his bestselling serie......
These are the books that helped children of all ages and abilities to learn to read by combining the funniest stories, craziest creatures and zaniest ......
His journey through the English countryside is puzzling,amazing, and terrifying, Especially difficult is his encounterwith the juggler named Bear. A h......
when the cat in the hat steps in on the mat,sally and her brother are in for a roller-coasfer ride of havoc and mayhem. by combining the funniest stor......
paddywack is a petite nine hands high, and every pony inch ispacked full of spunk. it hasn't been easy, but he now has hisrider, jane, well trained. h......