It s a small attention span world out there, and not everyone s interested in paging through lengthy tomes to deepen their intellect. They want their ......
Connect, First Edition, is a fun, 4-level, multi-skills American English course especially written and designed for young adolescents. Connect Student......
A dramatized version of a story at Level 3 of a series of children s illustrated ELT readers which are graded at five levels, according to length and ......
Leroy Brown is back in the next six books in the Encyclopedia Brown series. As Idaville’s ten-year-old star detective, Encyclopedia has an uncanny kna......
Mr. Fox is surrounded, and he’s going to have to come up with a truly fantastic plan to dig himself out of trouble this time....
Murphy(Betcha!.p,1460.etc.)adds to the MathStart series with a book about shapes.presenting them in no less than three rings,In lackluster rhyme.eleph......
In this evocative memoir, Brent Staples poses some compelling questions: Where does the family end the self begin? What do we owe our families and wha......
Clifford the Small Red Puppy and his big friend teach young children about slow/fast; first/last; up/down; wet/dry; and more!...
Have you ever wondered why some people can survive and prosper in the midst of adversity while everyone else around them crumbles? Dan Castro conducte......
BERLITZ ESSENTIAL SPANISHAll you ll need to know to teach yourself Spanish!A comprehensive beginner-level language course with 20 chapters, each featu......
Oskar Schlemmer und Ernst Ludwig Kirchner rühmten ihn, die Schweizer Kunstwelt feiert ihn als Schlüsselfigur der Moderne: den Maler und Zeic......
In ancient Greece, the term stadium was defined as a footrace over a distance 192 m. This distance measurement was then later used as a description fo......
Im bitterkalten Winter des Jahres 814 bringt die heidnische Frau des Dorfpriesters ein Mädchen zur Welt: Johanna. Sie wächst in einer Welt düsteren Ab......
Second in the popular Basics Interior Architecture series * Perfect for intermediate interior design and architecture students * Elegantly explores mo......
Buddy Holly. Jimi Hendix. Janis Joplin. Kurt Cobain. Michael Jackson. Musical gods gone too soon. Truly visionaries of their time, these recording hea......