本书主要介绍使用电脑办公方面的常用技巧,涉及电脑操作系统、Office软件、网络办公、数据备份与还原等方面的600多招实用技巧。全书共分14章,第1章至第3章主要介绍Windows XP账户管理、文件管理和系统设置等技巧;第4章主要介绍拼音输入法和五笔输入法技巧;第5章至第7章主要介绍Word、Ex......
这本书不是一部历史语法。有关语法的内容在书内是谈到的,但只是为了说明语言的历史。有许多细节,一般在历史语法中是有一定位置的,却被我有意地放在一边。我把英语的历史描写放在第一位。法语对英语的影响,虽然实际上称道的人无多,但作为一个法国人,我把这种影响予以强调,我想是会得到人们的谅解的。 尽管英语史的第......
本书没有讨论习语的来源,以减轻学生的负担。编者认为习语是一个短语,它的意思不同于组成这个短语的每单个词的意思,除此之外没有必要去定义它的确切性质。正因为如此,习语通常很难从一种语言译成另一种语言而又不改变某些意思和用法。 按本书的原则,由两个词组成的动词都归入习语。它们指的是这样一些动词,由于加了一......
Over 3 million CultureShock! Guides Sold!The CultureShock! series is a dynamic and indispensable range of guides for those travelers who are looking t......
Hurlburt s text offers an innovative approach to teaching and understanding statistics. Many students consider statistics their most intimidating subj......
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This entrancing and deeply searching novel will touch a nerve in every reader. Celia Grinstead, 40-year-old mother of three almost-grown children, on ......
The overriding objective of Eun and Resnick s "International Financial Management, 3e" is to teach students how to be effective global financial manag......
When it comes to finding the information you need, searching the World Wide Web is like drinking from a fire hose -- you get too much of a good thing.......
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This brand new edition Insight Guide to Turkey features illuminating text written by expert, local writers alongside a wealth of inspiring full-colour......
在线阅读本书Zack Freeman is ready to tell his story...the story of a brave young boy and his crazy runaway butt. The story of a crack butt-fighting unit cal......
Dear Reader:CONGRATULATIONS!You have just picked up the best book ever written, by the greatest person who ever lived, using the finest pen ever made,......
Maya Ishida is no stranger to sorrow. Torn from her artist father in her native Japan, raised by her cold, ambitious mother in Minneapolis, she has fi......
For early chilhood courses this text systematically shows how to apply a unified philosophy to an early childhood curriculum. For the pre-primary year......