在线阅读本书"M looked coldly across the desk. It was going to be dirty work and Bond, because he belonged to the Double 0 section, had been chosen ......
This new edition of Brian Aldiss classic anthology brings together a diverse selection of science fiction spanning over sixty years, from Isaac Asimov......
在线阅读本书Lauren s pony Twilight changes into a unicorn when she whispers the magic words, but Lauren must keep this a secret or it could put Twilight in ......
This text provides students and scholars with a sense of the distinct philosophies and political cultures that can shape different forms of democracy.......
Every mother-to-be will adore this charming, one-of-a-kind book. Like an intimate conversation with a trusted friend, these 125 gems of advice will in......
Winner of The World Guild Canadian Writing Awards - Children_s Book category (2006) To create this enchanting fictional account of how maple syrup mig......
The $600 billion gorilla in the room "Dr. Joe Koletar has provided an effective road map to the problem of occupational fraud, in both the public and ......
A young man tells of his experiences as a common sailor and provides a realistic portrait of the brutal life of nineteenth-century seamen....
A wake up call to lovers of liberty everywhere and a call to action to conservatives and Christians to defend the religious freedom envisioned and pra......
The critically acclaimed final masterwork of John Gardner: an American novel haunted with macabre and cerebral elements.The final novel by John Gardne......
ALONE Thirteen-year-old Brian Robeson is on his way to visit his father when the single-engine plane in which he is flying crashes. Suddenly, Brian fi......
C. S. Lewis takes us on a profound journey through both heaven and hell in this engaging allegorical tale. Using his extraordinary descriptive powers,......
Princess for president! Student body president, that is -- nominated by her power-mad best friend, Lilly. This is not how Mia imagined kicking off her......