One day in Teletubbyland, a little lamb appears from far away. The Teletubbies think the little lamb is sad, so they try to make it happy. But the lit......
新しい船で魚人島を目指すルフィ一行は、嵐に巻き込まれ、“魔の三角地帯"に入ってしまう。そこに変な人物が現れ、突然ルフィが爆弾発言!? さらにある島へ上陸し!? “ひとつなぎの大秘宝"を巡る海洋冒険ロマン!!...
This work in the Basic Genre series features more than 35 photographs, descriptions, and interpretations of the featured works, and a brief biography ......
The Toa Nuva suffer a mysterious loss of their powers which threatens their very existence. It s the work of the Bohrok-Kal, a special squad of mutate......
The modern practice of personnel testing originated with the need to accurately assess many job applicants quickly. This book illustrates the limitati......
Unchain your creativity!Whether you are new to chain mail or a seasoned weaver, Chained will introduce you to the art of combining metal jump rings in......
Updated to reflect the latest Advanced Placement exams, this new edition presents two full-length practice exams in AP Human Geography with answers an......
Presenting grammar through authentic international contexts for students to analyze and formulate the rules, this title focuses on English for sociali......
This text presents the major principles of psychology, using examples and applications from the real world. It also incorporates the latest research a......
BERLITZ CZECH IN 60 MINUTESStart speaking Czech in just one hour!Get a quick start to learning basic everyday Czech words with an all-audio course inc......
This book was written to enable physicists and engineers to learn, within a single course, some topics in variational calculus, theory of elasticity, ......
Dominique Perrault erupted into the European architecture landscape in the early 90s, winning the competition for the Paris National Library-and then ......
The second book in the successful Basics Illustration series looks at the history of illustration—from medieval manuscripts and hieroglyphics to today......
Egyptologists and forgers have been battling for over a century: the connoisseur s eye vs. the ingenuity of the "artists" and their impressive creatio......
The Royal Academy of Art’s Summer Exhibition in London has been an annual event since 1768. Today, about a thousand works are selected to be shown eac......