《猴子王》:森林里的动物们想通过跳舞比赛挑选“森林之王”,大家都跃跃欲试。最后,猴子技压群雄,当上了“森林之王”。但是,他变得越来越傲慢,动物们会喜欢这样的国王吗? 《老狮子》:一只狮子老了,失去了往日的威风。于是,他想出了一个坏主意去欺骗那些好心的小动物们。小动物们会上当吗? 《狮子与......
Robert Ripley explored more than 190 countries seeking the bizarre, and so World s Weirdest Critters is packed with wild and wacky facts from Ripley s......
Marisol Luna is a ten-year-old girl who loves to dance. Ballet folklórico (Mexican folkdance) is her favorite type of dance, but she also does jazz, b......
What if a dinosaur catches the flu?Does he whimper and whine between each "At-choo"?Does he drop dirty tissues all over the floor?Does he fling his me......
If someone called you a googlewhack what would you do? Would you end up playing table tennis with a nine year old boy in Boston? Would you find yourse......
Money isn t everything . . .Pine Hollow Stables has a new resident, and while The Saddle Club loves all horses, they aren t impressed by this one. Hon......
Jack Prelutsky is widely acknowledged as the poet laureate of the younger generation. (And many people would happily see him crowned with no age quali......
"The indomitable Momma is only one of the characters in Carol DeChant s stirring collection of memories. Gangsters and grandparents, nuns and bullies ......
A family of theater bears leaves the stage to live on Uncle Max s farm but soon missed the thrill of putting on a show....
In thirteen retellings of classic romance tales, including Casablanca, Romeo and Juliet, and Gone With the Wind, the romantic heroes have learned to b......
Four trolls and their dog work and play together. Includes vocabulary exercises....
This clear print title is set in Tiresias 13pt font for easy reading...
Certain that the dog he has discovered near the old Shiloh schoolhouse has been abused by its owner, Marty Preston secretly vows to do anything to sav......