Tom had a big, bad cat called Sam. Sam didn' want to go to the vet!...
Easy to use find all the words and phrases you need; Easy to read clear layout with colour; Easy to understand straightforward definitions and on jarg......
Who will get the fruit?...
Bert’s Band like to play as they march down the street. When they win the cup, they arrive back at their home town at midnight, and very carefully rem......
I want a pet! I want a pet! I hope i like the pet I get. Come to the Strange Pet Shop and look for the perfect pet....
Who pulled up the big turnip?...
Jump into the crazy world of Worbplay! Fill in the blands to create your own silly stories. Did you know that dondeys swim in cheeseburgers and have ......
One of the most photographed women in Britain, Coleen knows what it's like to live in the celebrity glare. Since she was a teenager the press have fol......
Rat-a-tat-tat! Who is that ?Open the door and see....
Mr Big was big.His car was big,his house was big and his cat was big.One day,he bought a big new pen.It was magic and he got a big surprise....
The rabbit said,"Look at the mice. They`re playing in my house." Can percy help?...
In the park ,IN the pond ,How did the dog get wet?Look inside to find out....
Mona's brother is good at jumping. Mona's sister is good at leaping. Mona is good at growing sunflowers. But when she meets a big, fierce lio......
Percy got out his old tin bath.The badger said,"oh ,no !"He didn`t want a bath....
Rebecca went to the funfair.Find out what she liked doing best....
Lenny held onto his kite. Nothing could stop him. Then it was Mum's turn. Did she hold on too?...
She is getting her boat。She is getting her shark。What is she getting next?...
Here is a [e9. Here is a foot. The inventors make a robot....
Where is Granny going? Will she get there in time?...