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作 者:(美)Iain E.G.Richardson

出 版 社:国防科技大学出版社


I S B N:781099140X




This book aims to provide a clear, practical and unbiased guide to these two standards
to enable developers, engineers, researchers and students to understand and apply them effectively.
Video and image compression is a complex and extensive subject and this book keeps
an unapologetically limited focus, concentrating on the standards themselves (and in the case
of MPEG-4 Visual, on the elements of the standard that support coding of ‘real world’ video
material) and on video coding concept



ContentsAbout the Author xiiiForeword xvPreface xixGlossary xxi1 Introduction 11.1 The Scene 11.2 Video Compression 31.3 MPEG-4 and H.264 51.4 This Book 61.5 References 72 Video Formats and Quality 92.1 Introduction 92.2 Natural Video Scenes 92.3 Capture 102.3.1 Spatial Sampling 112.3.2 Temporal Sampling 112.3.3 Frames and Fields 132.4 Colour Spaces 132.4.1 RGB 142.4.2 YCbCr 152.4.3 YCbCr Sampling Formats 172.5 Video Formats 192.6 Quality 202.6.1 Subjective Quality Measurement 212.6.2 Objective Quality Measurement 222.7 Conclusions 242.8 References 24
3 Video Coding Concepts 273.1 Introduction 273.2 Video CODEC 283.3 Temporal Model 303.3.1 Prediction from the Previous Video Frame 303.3.2 Changes due to Motion 303.3.3 Block-based Motion Estimation and Compensation 323.3.4 Motion Compensated Prediction of a Macroblock 333.3.5 Motion Compensation Block Size 343.3.6 Sub-pixel Motion Compensation 373.3.7 Region-based Motion Compensation 413.4 Image model 423.4.1 Predictive Image Coding 443




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