“直正的市场营销是一门管理哲学,它认识到只有比竞争对手更有效地满足顾客当前和未来的需要,企业的成功才可持续。”本书作者彼得·多伊尔是市场营销管理与战略教学与研究方而后 国际知只争朝夕专家、华威大学商学院的市场营销和战略管理教授。同时也担任多家世界级大企业的高级营销顾问。本书一气呵成,内容精辟、实用;文字简略、流畅。三位专家、教师进一步对重点、难点和部分词汇做了必要的翻译和注释,这一新的出版形式能更好地满足双语教学的需要。 作者简介 Peter Doyle is internationally recognized for his teaching and research in marketing and strategy. He is professor of Marketing and Strategic Management at the University of Warwick Business School’s MBA programme and executive courses. Previously he has held Positions at INSEAD, London Business School, Bradford University, Stanford and University of Hawaii. Peter Dole has run executive programmes for senior managers throughout Europe, the USA, South America and the Far East. He has been voted ‘Outstanding Teacher’ on numerous university and corporate courses. In addition he has published five books and over on hundred articles in professional journals. He has a First Class Honours degree from the University of Manchester and an MBA and a phD from Camegie-Mellon University, USA. His Research Society and the Best Paper Award of the American Marketing Association and the Europen Marketing Academy. |