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Life: The Platinum Anniversary Collection: 70 Year

Life: The Platinum Anniversary Collection: 70 Year

最 低 价:¥230.00

定 价:¥299.50

作 者:Editors of Life Magazine

出 版 社:Life


I S B N:9781933405179



"Life captures in words and vibrant pictures the customs of Christmas everywhere, from Sinterklass in Holland to the observance of the winter solstice at England's Stonehenge to the origins of this great day in the Holy Land. On Christmas, the world rejoices and reflects. Here, LIFE does too, in this special commemorative edition."


For seven decades, "Life" has been thrilling the world with its unrivalled presentation of the very best photography to be found. Here, the editors have assembled the creme de la creme from the magazine s vast collection of images. Because "Life" has always dealt with matters of every sort, the entire spectrum of society is represented in these pages. One after another, there are unforgettable photos from Hollywood s greatest stars, from the wonders of small-town America, from the terrible wars, as well as from the zestful years of childhood. "Life" has always represented the apex in photojournalism and its roster of great photographers is unequalled.






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