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(埃尔加童谣作品) Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Songs

(埃尔加童谣作品) Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Songs

最 低 价:¥105.40

定 价:¥117.07

作 者:J. W. Elliott 著

出 版 社:Dover


I S B N:9780486438061




Classic collection of nursery rhymes set to music was. Elliott's melodies perfectly capture the charms of these verses; many, including Sing a Song of Sixpence, have become inseparable from the original rhymes. Lavishly illustrated with 66 beautiful engravings by the Dalziel brothers — renowned Victorian-era illustrators of children's books.



Mistress Mary, Quite Contrary
fack and fill
Twinkle, twinkle, little Star.
Boa, Boa, Black She
Dickory, Dickory, Dock
Ding, Dong, Rell
Pussy-Cat, where have you been ?
Nineteen girds *
The Child and the Star *
I had a little Doggy *
Little Bo-Peep
Dolly and her Mamma *
Ride a Cock-Horse to ganbury Cross
LittIe Maid, Pretty Maid
Whittington for ever!
Little fack Hornet
Tom, the Piper's Son
See-Saw, Margery Daw
A B C, tumble down D
Goosey Goosey Gander
Little fumping foan
There was a Crooked Man
Poor Dog Rright
Humpty Dumpty
Simple Simon
Sing a Song of Sixpence
The Nnrse's Song
Six little Snails *
The King of France
My Lady Wind
The Feast of Lanterns
Is fohn Smith within ?
When the Snow is on the Ground
Three little Mice *
Little Tommy Tucker
The North Wind doth blow
The Man in the Moon
Taffy was a Welshman
Hey diddle diddle
I love little Pussy
The Old Man clothed in Leather
Curly Locks
The Lazy Cat*
Three Children sliding
The folly Tester
Georgie Porgie
The Thrce Crows
A littlc Cock Sparrow
Maggie's Pet *
The Death and Burial of Cock Robin
Mother Tabbyskins
The Spider and the Fly
The Thievish Mouse *




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