Mistress Mary, Quite Contrary fack and fill Twinkle, twinkle, little Star. Boa, Boa, Black She Dickory, Dickory, Dock Ding, Dong, Rell Pussy-Cat, where have you been ? Nineteen girds * The Child and the Star * I had a little Doggy * Little Bo-Peep Dolly and her Mamma * Ride a Cock-Horse to ganbury Cross LittIe Maid, Pretty Maid Whittington for ever! Little fack Hornet Tom, the Piper's Son See-Saw, Margery Daw A B C, tumble down D Goosey Goosey Gander Little fumping foan There was a Crooked Man Poor Dog Rright Humpty Dumpty Simple Simon Sing a Song of Sixpence The Nnrse's Song Six little Snails * The King of France My Lady Wind The Feast of Lanterns Is fohn Smith within ? When the Snow is on the Ground Three little Mice * Little Tommy Tucker The North Wind doth blow The Man in the Moon Taffy was a Welshman Hey diddle diddle I love little Pussy The Old Man clothed in Leather Curly Locks The Lazy Cat* Three Children sliding The folly Tester Georgie Porgie The Thrce Crows A littlc Cock Sparrow Maggie's Pet * The Death and Burial of Cock Robin Lullaby Mother Tabbyskins The Spider and the Fly The Thievish Mouse * |