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作 者:(美)Herbert B. Enderton

出 版 社:人民邮电出版社

出版时间:2006 年4月

I S B N:7115145504






Herbert B.Enderton哈佛大学博士,师从著名哲学家Hilary Putnam。曾任教于加州大学伯克利分校。现为加州大学洛杉矶分校数学系兼职教授,该校“逻辑学论坛”主席。曾担任《符号逻辑学会评论》杂志的主编。除本书外,他还著有另外两本广受好评的教材A Mathematical Introduction to Logic(本书影印版《数理逻辑》已由本社出版。)和Linear Algebra。...
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chapter 1 introduction .
baby set theory 1
sets--an informal view
classes 10
axiomatic method 10
notation 13
historical notes 14
chapter 2 axioms and operations
axioms 17
arbitrary unions and intersections 23
algebra of sets 27
epilogue 33
review exercises 33
chapter 3 relations and functions
ordered pairs 35
relations 39
n-ary relations 41
functions 42
infinite cartesian products 54
equivalence relations 55
.ordering relations 62
review exercises 64
chapter 4 natural numbers
inductive sets 67
peano's postulates 70
recursion on w 73
arithmetic 79
ordering on w 83
review exercises 88
chapter 5 construction of the real numbers ..
integers 90
rational numbers 101
real numbers 111
summaries 121
two 123
chapter 6 cardinal numbers and the axiom
of choice
equinumerosity 128
finite sets 133
cardinal arithmetic 138
ordering cardinal numbers 145
axiom of choice 151
countable sets 159
arithmetic of infinite cardinals 162
continuum hypothesis 165
chapter 7 orderings and ordinals
partial orderings 167
well orderings 172
replacement axioms 179
epsilon-lmages 182
lsomorphisms 184
ordinal numbers 187
debts paid 195
rank 200
chapter 8 ordinals and order types
transfinite recursion again 209
alephs 212
ordinal operations 215
isomorphism types 220
arithmetic of order types 222
ordinal arithmetic 227
chapter 9 special topics
well-founded relations 241
natural models 249
cofinality 257
appendix notation, logic, and proofs
selected references for further study
list of axioms
index ...




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