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The Preference for the Primitive: Episodes in the History of Western Taste and Art

The Preference for the Primitive: Episodes in the History of Western Taste and Art

最 低 价:¥15.00

定 价:¥39.90

作 者:E.H. Gombrich

出 版 社:Phaidon Press


I S B N:9780714846323



'A masterpiece of skilful discourse.' Nigel Spivey, Daily Telegraph Take(s) on just about the weightiest and most controversial subject currently available for art-historical picking-over. For Gombrich to delay until his final book before taking on the appetite for perfectionism is akin to Michelangelo waiting until he was 92 before embarking upon the Sistine ceiling.' Waldemar Januszczak, The Sunday Times


This book is a study of a recurring phenomenon in the history of changing taste in the visual arts, namely the feeling that older and less sophisticated (i.e. primitive ) works are somehow morally and aesthetically superior to later works that have become soft and decadent. Gombrich traces this idea back to classical antiquity and links it both with Cicero s observation that over-indulgence of the senses leads to a feeling of disgust, and with the profoundly influential metaphor comparing the development of art to that of a living organism. Like an organism, art has been thought to grow to maturity, then decay and die, and successive generations of artists and critics have preferred the alleged strength, nobility and sincerity of earlier styles to the more refined later styles with their corrupting and meretricious appeal to the senses. Summing up more than forty years of study and reflection on this theme, the book presents a closely argued narrative supported by extensive quotations that document with precision the role of authors, critics and artists in shaping and changing opinion. After reviewing the classical authors whose writings largely set the terms of the debate, Gombrich then charts its progress from its revival in the eighteenth century, documenting the often subtle shifts of taste and judgement that frequently focus on the pivotal role of Raphael in the history of art. In the final chapters, he turns to the truly revolutionary primitivism of the twentieth century, analysing the momentous shifts of taste of which he has himself been an eyewitness. Important both as a personal testament and as a documentary anthology, this last book from one of the world s most distinguished art historians provides a deep and revealing insight into the history and psychology of taste.


Sir Ernst Gombrich (1909-2001) was one of the greatest and least conventional art historians of his age, achieving fame and distinction in three separate spheres: as a scholar, as a popularizer of art and as a pioneer of the application of the psychology of perception to the study of art. His best-known book, The Story of Art, first published 50 years ago and now in its 16th edition, is one of the most influential books aver written about art





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