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Put Old on Hold

Put Old on Hold

最 低 价:¥25.00

定 价:¥149.50

作 者:Barbara M. Morris

出 版 社:Image F/X


I S B N:9780966784220

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    Most books about how to control aging have been written by experts, researchers, doctors and gurus of every variety who have yet to see age sixty-five. Most of the books are excellent and full of good information, but Put Old on Hold is possibly the only book available that has been written by someone who is successfully defying the aging process. At 75, Barbara Morris walks her talk and then some. For anyone who wants to Put Old on Hold, and avoid by at least 20-25 years the typical mental and physical decline of the aging process, this book is the real deal. It is contrarian, controversial and absolutely helpful to anyone who is willing to follow her advice.


    Barbara Morris, now 75, is a pharmacist working full time. Dealing with boomers and those much older has given her insight into what contributes the mental and physical decline associated with the the aging process. "I know that so much of it is premature. It doesn't have to happen. It is absolutely possible to have an extra 20-25 vibrant, dynamic, prooductive, healthy years if you do what I do to control the aging process. It's not all that difficult," says author Barbara Morris.





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