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Who Do You Love?

Who Do You Love?

最 低 价:¥35.10

定 价:¥159.60

作 者:Valerie Sayers

出 版 社:Doubleday; 1st edition


I S B N:0385410859

  • In the Wild
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    Praised for her "unfailingly authentic"voice and "subtle wit," Valerie Sayers cap-tures a generation s most cataclysmic mo-ment in the story of a couple inchingtoward the sexual revolution as theirdaughter waits in its shadows. It is November 1963, and the tremors ofchange in South Carolina are just begin-ning to be felt by the Rooneys, a strugglingCatholic family with four children and oneon the way. Dolores Rooney is bothshocked and pleased to he pregnant againafter so m/any years; her husband Bill, arealtor who s slowly losing his desire tosell, finds himself increasingly perplexedby his wife s political and intellectual pur-suits. Eleven-year-old Kate, confused, in-advertently funny, and desperate foranswers, is busy searching for the correctword to describe...sex. While Kate bearswitness to her father s unrest, her mother s burgeoning self-discovery, and her older brothers shenanigans, the town of Due East is marking its own transitions: Owners of the grand antebellum mansions coexist with newly arrived residents who favor cheap trailers. Downtown, the owner of the drugstore is simply removing his soda fountain rather than trouble him- self with desegregation. As events become






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