The deeply moving saga of a love thateven time cannot erase. A World Full of Strangers,Seasons ofthe Heart, The Last Princess--with theseand a host of other bestsellers, CynthiaFreeman established herself as thegrande dame of romantic novelists. Now,sadly, she is gone, but she has left behindwhat will be judged her most unforgetta-ble, affecting work, Always and Forever. They fell in love at first sight--buthistory, circumstance, and misplacedloyalties thrust them worlds apart--fordecades. When Brooklyn-born Barnard gradu-ate Kathy Ross meets young Americanphysician David Kohn, they are on amission to assuage the suffering in post-World War II Berlin. Kathy s every in-stinct tells her they could share a lifetogether--but David s enigmatic reti-cence and blind devotion to his family |