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最 低 价:¥34.30

定 价:¥98.00

作 者:王大方,徐翔麟 著

出 版 社:外文出版社


I S B N:9787119042145




Itis easy to have a quick look at China's past and present, but it takes time to gain a panoramic knowledge of China. The "panoramic China" series is meant to assist readers, especially those overseas, in this respect. Each volume in the series focuses on a province, municipality or autonomous region, describing, with illustrations, the outstanding characteristics of each area from different perspectives.



The History
 Mongols from
 In the Tracks of Mongol Forefathers
 Genghis Khan-the “proud Son of Heaven”
 From Grasslands to Cities
 Marco polo and other Foreign Visitors
 Mongol Culture in Documents
Inner Mongolia Today
 Ulanfu and Other Political Figures of Mongol Ethnicity
 Xu Rigan and Science, Technology and Education in Inner Mongolia
 Cities and a New Way of Life
 Jalsan, the Living Buddha, and Religious Faiths in Inner Mongolia
 Dr.Ulan and Traditional Mongolian Medicine
 Yili Dairy Industry and Inner Mongolia’s Animal Husbandry
 Herdsman She Deng and Eco-friendly Animal Husbandry
 For theTomorrow of the Grasslands
Folk Customs
 What Rivers Mean to Mongols
 Mongol Religions
 Mongol Horses and Men
 Mongol Women
 Mongols and Sheep
 Mongols’ Mobile Home-the “Lele” Cart
 Mongols and Drink
 Mongol Song and Dance
 Nadan Fair-a Traditional Mongol Festival
 Three Small Ethnic Groups
 Major Foreign Related Agencies of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR)
 List of Major International Travel Agencies in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
 List of Major Hotels in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Catering to Foreign Visitors




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