《夏洛的网》是一部可以与《小王子》相媲美的世界名著,这部作品初版于1952年,至今已有20多种译文,发行近千万册。虽然作者书写的是一个童话故事,但他给人以无限温情、感动和憧憬,是一部给大人阅读的童话。怀特用柔韧无比的蜘蛛丝编织了一张理想的、温暖的、美丽的、爱的大网,感动着世界无数的读者。这是一个善良的弱者之间相互扶持的故事,除了爱、友谊之外,这篇极抒情的童话里,还有一分对生命本身的赞美与眷恋。 |
E.B. White, the author of twenty books of prose and poetry, was awarded the 1970 Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal for his children’s books, Stuart Little and Charlotte’s Web. This award is now given every three years "to an author or illustrator whose books, published in the United States, have, over a period of years, make a substantial and lasting contribution to literature for children." The year 1970 also marked the publication of Mr. White’s third book for children, The Trumpet of the Swan, honored by The International Board on Books for Young People as an outstanding example of literature with international importance. In 1973, it received the Sequoyah Award (Oklahoma) and the William Allen White Award (Kansas), voted by the school children of those states as their "favorite book" of the year.
Born in Mount Vernon, New York, Mr. White attended public schools there. He was graduated from Cornell University in 1921, worked in New York for a year, then traveled about. After five or six years of trying many sorts of jobs, he joined the staff of The New Yorker magazine, then in its infancy. The connection proved a happy one and resulted in a steady output of satirical sketches, poems, essays, and editorials. His essays have also appeared in Harper’s Magazine, and his books include One Man’s Meat, The Second Tree from the Corner, Letters of E.B. White, The Essays of E.B. White and Poems and Sketches of E.B. White. In 1938 Mr. White moved to the country. On his farm in Maine he kept animals, and some of these creatures got into his stories and books. Mr. White said he found writing difficult and bad for one’s disposition, but he kept at it. He began Stuart Little in the hope of amusing a six-year-old niece of his, but before he finished it, she had grown up. For his total contribution to American letters, Mr. White was awarded the 1971 National Medal for Literature. In 1963, President John F. Kennedy named Mr. White as one of thirty-one Americans to receive the Presidential Medal for Freedom. Mr. White also received the National Institute of Arts and Letters’ Gold Medal for Essays and Criticism, and in 1973 the members of the Institute elected him to the American Academy of Arts and Letters, a society of fifty members. He also received honorary degrees from seven colleges and universities. Mr. White died on October 1, 1985. |
Before Breakfast Wilbur Escape Loneliness Charlotte Summer Days Bad News A Talk at Home Wilbur's Boast An Explosion The Miracle A Meeting Good Progress Dr.Dorian The Crickets Off to the Fair Uncle The Cool of the Evening The Egg Sac The Hour of Triumph Last Day A Warm Wind |