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The Wild Colonial Boy: A Novel

The Wild Colonial Boy: A Novel

最 低 价:¥15.80

定 价:¥140.00

作 者:James Hynes

出 版 社:Picador


I S B N:9780312204426




"This, ladies and gentlemen, is the real stuff . . . Go out today and get this book, and plan on doing nothing else but reading it tonight."—The Washington Post"More than just a page-turning thriller (though it's very much that as well, The Wild Colonial Boy is an intelligent and eminently accessible study of the mad intricacies of contemporary Irish politics. Behind the powerful drive of the meticulously crafted plot, James Hynes's understanding and affection for the land and its people makes itself very strongly felt."—Madison Smartt Bell"A striking first novel . . . the language is charged, urgent. It is the eeriest and one of the most brilliant descriptions of anonymous violence in modern fiction."—Irish-America Magazine


After fifteen years of violence, a tense calm pervades Northern Ireland, soon to be broken by Jimmy Coogan, an IRA veteran who seeks to restore the Movement to its violent tradition.A true believer, as devious as he is dangerous, Jimmy has stolen ten pounds of plastic explosive, intending to destroy the parliamentary ambitions of the IRA leadership.Into Jimmy s turbulent world come two young Americans: Brian, vain, ironic, but well-meaning; and Clare, a beautiful, earnest college student on her junior year abroad.In Ireland on a seemingly harmless errand for his Irish Republican family in Detroit, Brian is recruited to Jimmy s bloody mission by his cousin Maire, Coogan s passionate and sharp-tongued wife.Only half-aware of each other s motives, Brian and Clare, Jimmy and Maire are all drawn into the deadly and unforgiving labyrinth of modern terrorism, borne inexorably toward a horrific and fatal climax.A love story as well as a thriller, James Hynes s first novel is a page-turning tale of political and personal intrigue in the grand tradition, a classic story of commitment, violence, and betrayal.






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