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Ces gens merveilleux du Xinjiang-这些新疆人(法文)

Ces gens merveilleux du Xinjiang-这些新疆人(法文)

最 低 价:¥34.30

定 价:¥98.00

作 者:李莎

出 版 社:外文出版社

出版时间:2008 年1月

I S B N:9787119051796





《这些新疆人》(法文版)是“这些中国人”系列丛书的开篇之作,由外国人直接采访撰写,用外国人的视角,通过外国人的表述方式,反映当代中国社会现状。 本书的采访和写作者李莎了解并热爱中国。该书选取普通的新疆人,以实地采访纪实的方式,生动、鲜活地介绍普通的中国人,通过对他们生活现状及其变化的再现,客观上形成对中国当代经济、政治、文化和社会发展情况的反映,同时也对中国改革开放30年来所取得的成就做了积极的展示。
   after a teaching career in canada, where she was born, lisa carducci found china to be the most favourable place for her writing. author of more than 40 books and 2,000 articles, she aims to improve, year after year, her knowledge of the chinese culture's many diverse features. however, this experience of china would not make sense to her if she did not share it with "those who don't have the chance to discover it on the ground." in 2001, lisa carducci was granted the friendship award of the people's republic of china, and, in 2005, permanent residence status.


After a teaching career in Canada, where she was born, Lisa Carducci found China to be the most favourable place for her writing. Author of more than 40 books and 2,000 articles, she aims to improve, year after year, her knowledge of the Chinese culture's many diverse features. However, this experience of China would not make sense to her if she did not share it with "those who don't have the chance to discover it on the ground." .. << 查看详细






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