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Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Orthopaedics and Spo

Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Orthopaedics and Spo

最 低 价:¥3300.00

定 价:¥3300.00

作 者:David W. Stoller

出 版 社:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


I S B N:9780397515424



Radiology Now -- "What a joy to get a stunning book to review. This is a superb text, covering most of the orthopaedic conditions any radiologist is likely to encounter... [It] would form a wonderful bench book in any department with an MR unit with any bias at all to musculoskeletal MR."--Radiology Now Radiology Now -- "What a joy to get a stunning book to review. This is a superb text, covering most of the orthopaedic conditions any radiologist is likely to encounter... [It] would form a wonderful bench book in any department with an MR unit with any bias at all to musculoskeletal MR."--Radiology Now


The Second Edition of this standard-setting work is a state-of-the-art pictorial reference on orthopaedic magnetic resonance imaging. It combines more than 3,000 MR images with 247 full-color illustrations, including gross anatomic dissections, line art, arthroscopic photographs, and three-dimensional imaging techniques and final renderings. Many new MR images have been added to the Second Edition, and half of the images from the original edition have been replaced with new scans of even greater clarity, contrast, and precision. The Second Edition also includes many more arthroscopic photographs and more information on disease incidence and pathology.






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