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(非传统养生秘诀)What Your Doctor Hasn’t Told You And The Health Store Clerk Doesn’t Know

(非传统养生秘诀)What Your Doctor Hasn’t Told You And The Health Store Clerk Doesn’t Know

最 低 价:¥64.80

定 价:¥72.00

作 者:EdwardSchneider 著

出 版 社:Oversea Publishing House


I S B N:9781583332528



作者简介:Edward L Schneider,M.D, one of the nation's leading experts on aging,and currently dean emeritus in gerontology at USC in Los Angeles, as welias a practicing clinician, was formerly the deputy director of the National Institutes of Health's Institute on Aging. He has edited or written thirteen books and authored more than 180 scholarly articles. He lives in LosAngeles.


A discerning guide to alternative therapies for common health problems.
Millions of Americans turn to alternative medicine to treat chronic health problems when conventional medicine fails. Yet few doctors-or health store clerks and alternative practitioners-know what treatments are safe and effective. In this book, Edward Schneider, a leading researcher and clinician at the University of Southern California, arms readers with an overview of the latest medical research, then offers a proven formula for the best integrative therapy available to treat the most common health issues. From supplements and herbs, to acupuncture and yoga, What Your Doctor Hasn't Told You and the Health Store Clerk Doesn't Know outlines the myriad therapies used for:
- sleep problems
- joint, back, and neck pain
- depression and anxiety
- PMS and menopause
- prostate health
- heart disease and cancer
- memory loss, and more
An authoritative yet friendly guide, complete with hard-to-find dosage guidelines and advice on what therapies are just not worth your money, and packed with the type of information readers can take to the health store aisles and to their doctor, this book is essential reading for anyone considering alternative remedies



Preface: You Need This Book!
1 Shopping Smart for Alternative Medicine
2 Joint Pain: Improving Function,Easing Discomfort
3 Back on Track: Relief for Back and Neck Pain
4 Satisfying Sleep
5 Taming Depression and Anxiety
6 PMS: Natural Symptom Relief
7 Making Menopause More Comfortable
8 Revving Up Male Libido
9 Improving Prostate Health
10 Preventing Heart Disease and Stroke
11 Boosting Brain Function
12 Cancer Prevention and Treatment
13 The Longevity Top Ten
Appendix:Take This to Your Doctor
About the Authors




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