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Sugar Lump: The Orphan Calf

Sugar Lump: The Orphan Calf

最 低 价:¥18.50

定 价:¥79.50

作 者:Lynn Sheffield Simmons,Lin Hampton

出 版 社:Argyle Books


I S B N:9780964257306

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    ...unpretentious book that children will enjoy and learn something in the process. Mrs. Simmons has stated that this book grew out of a desire to write wholesome fiction for children. If that is her main objective, she has succeeded well. -- Denton Record-Chronicle, October 2, 1994Sugar Lump, the Orphan Calf is an upbeat, positive story that shows how love, encouragement, and hard work can make a difference. Parents will love the message found in Sugar Lump's story, and children will love to hear and read it again (and again.) -- The North Texas Parent, October 1994It's kind of a cow-version of Charlotte's Web. The chapters are funny, well paced, with good illustrations and honest storytelling throughout. -- The Albuquerque Tribune, June 15, 1995The book, illustrated by Denton artist Lin Hampton, is getting thumbs-up reviews. -- Fort Worth Star-Telegram February 4, 1995


    Sugar Lump, the Orphan Calf is a heart warming children s book about a newborn calf found alone lying in the pasture by twelve-year-old Marcy. Without any hesitation she takes the full responsibility of raising the little calf she names Sugar Lump. Marcy knows she can not keep the calf after he is weaned, but still, she forms a close relationship with him. As the white- faced calf with a black ring circling his right eye grows, his behavior becomes quite amusing. Ultimately Marcy becomes involved in a suspenseful search that ends in an unexpected ending. Although the story is fiction the calf s humorous behavior is true. Mrs. Simmons still has Sugar Lump who is now an eleven-year-old, 1,600 pound steer. He still comes running to us when we call him she says and he is always doing something unusual that the typical cow wouldn t do.






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