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通用电气成功的秘密 The Secret to GE's Success

通用电气成功的秘密 The Secret to GE's Success

最 低 价:¥190.40

定 价:¥279.50

作 者:William E. Rothschild 著

出 版 社:北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司


I S B N:9780071475938



  William Rothschild, who witnessed GE’s revolution firsthand, explains the five keys that made GE a global phenomenon—and gives managers a complete toolkit for duplicating its remarkable success. He explains the GE Code—the hallmark of all GE leadership teams—and provides a far-ranging prescriptive plan for strategizing the GE way.


Looking beyond GE's legendary CEO Jack Welch, Rothschild takes a wider perspective on the company's history in this unwieldy management guide. Structuring the book around the various phases in the company's evolution, he looks all the way back to the founding by Thomas Edison in 1879 and analyzes the business lessons that have gradually emerged. At the same time, Rothschild, a former GE insider who formed his own consulting company in 1984, focuses on five key success areas: leadership, adaptability, talent, influence and networks, reinforcing key "takeaways" at the end of each chapter. Unfortunately, the book's chronological structure and overwhelming detail makes it read more like an annotated history than a management guide with business-changing insights. (Jan.)



Introduction. The Five Ingredients of GE's 126-Year Success
Part Ⅰ. "Living Better Electrically": GE's First Stage, 1879 to 1939, Edison-Swope/Young
 Chapter 1. Selecting the Wrong Technology
 Chapter 2. Becoming the Leader
 Chapter 3. Seeking Advice and Sharing the Wealth
 Chapter 4. Staying No. I
Part Ⅱ. Diversification and Decentralization: GE's Second Stage, 1940 to 1970, Wilson/Borch
 Chapter 5. Winning the War
 Chapter 6. Decentralized Growth
 Chapter 7. Professional Management
 Chapter 8. The Conversion of Ronald Reagan
 Chapter 9. GE Can Do Anything It Wants to Do
Part Ⅲ. Portfolio Leadership: GE's Third Stage, 1971 to 2001, Borch/Welch
 Chapter 10. Admitting Mistakes
 Chapter 11. Pruning and Divesting
 Chapter 12. Nothing Is Sacred
 Chapter 13. GE's Cultural Revolution
Part Ⅳ. "Back to the Future": GE's Fourth Stage, 2001 to the Present, Immelt
Chapter 14. Go BIG!
Chapter 15. More Cultural Changes
Chapter 16. Success Factors




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